Friday, December 1, 2017

December 2017 Update


Well now, I haven't updated in...way too long. I really need to get better at this (he says, not for the first time). Ah well, I'm here, and hopefully that counts for something. If not, well, deal with it. There's hardly anyone who even reads my blog (maybe it's because I never update?). It's time for an update!

[cue theme music]

[nevermind, there's no budget for theme music]

[pretend there is theme music]
The XMAS season is upon us. It's December 1st here, and it's time to update y'all. Lemme grab my Cards for Mindfulness and get this going.

Touch Screen [Balance]
This card tells me to focus on the feeling of typing/swiping/doing whatever I'm doing with hands when I'm working with electronics. It's an interesting card to pull, especially coming off of NaNoWriMo, which forced me to spend the month of November working longer hours on my Chromebook than I usually do.

Well, immediately I can tell you my current setup isn't ideal. I'm sitting on my couch, leaning over my coffee table, which is putting a strain on my wrists and lower back. So yeah, maybe I should pay more attention and get into a better position. In fact, I'mma do that right now! Leaning back and putting the Chromebook in my lap is definitely way more comfortable. Thanks, Cards for Mindfulness!

yes yes yes [Balance]
Is this card sponsored by Daniel Bryan? (If you don't understand the reference, you need to remember that I'm a wrestling fan.)

Anyway, this card recommends that I say "yes" to to things when it feels safe to do so. This card actually feels relevant, as I am definitely a bit of a homebody. Home is my comfort zone, home is where my fun stuff is, and staying home doesn't cost money.

I've actually been making an effort to be more social. Tonight I'm staying in due to my financial distress, but I've been making an effort to say "yes" when other teachers here invite me out. So yeah, I'll keep this card in the back of my mind as time moves forward.

Know thy senses [Awareness]
Being aware of one's senses can lead to attunement with the self and others. At least, that's what the card says (more or less). This card recommends that I spend some time each day focusing on one sense or another in order to deepen my awareness. Good advice, yeah?

I definitely do this while I'm exercising. Since I hit the gym solo (and there's usually no one else in there when I am), I have to be mindful of how much weight I'm working with, how hard I'm pushing myself, and when my body tells me to back off and take a rest. I've really been pushing myself to get into better shape over the past few weeks, and I've developed some good fitness habits that I'm excited to maintain and build upon. If I don't remain mindful of my senses during my workouts, I could hurt myself. I can't get stronger if I put myself on the shelf!

Ok, now that I'm past my [ir]regularly-scheduled Cards for Mindfulness update, it's time to move on to some other business. I figured I owe it to my 2.5 readers to write a little more than usual. Hold on to your butts.

I've been in Rawlins since August, and I really like it here so far. It's a small city, but that's my style. I don't need a lot of entertainment options because I know how to entertain myself, but it would be nice to see more options for my students. It would also be great to not have to drive to Laramie to reach the nearest GameStop, and it sucks there isn't a Starbucks here. I know, I know, #FirstWorldProblems for sure.

I really like my job. It was really hard for me to leave Taiwan because I really liked the country and I loved my students (especially all of my little monsters in kindergarten!). I'm teaching five classes of juniors and one class of seniors, and it has been pretty great so far. I have some really great students that give even the toughest days some bright spots. I feel that I have a good mix of coworkers, though the "old guard" that was here before I arrived are, for the most part, faces only at this point.

The little house I'm renting is totes adorbs, and just enough space for the MAC Daddy. It would be a little more cozy if I had a romantic partner, but I'm not really rushing that. I check dating sites on occasion to see what's out there, but yeah...the biggest issue of living in Rawlins is that the dating pool is small and everybody knows everybody. Also, y'all know I'm really not anybody's type, and that's doubly true in small-town Wyoming. What will be will be.

Let's see, what else? I'm still getting a hold on my budget, and I really screwed the pooch this month. Adulting is hard! It would be awesome if I could get a loan and use that to get ahead instead of playing catch-up all the time, but my credit is poopsauce, so that's not an option (unless someone wants to loan me some dough? No? Damn.).

My #52BooksIn52Weeks challenge has ground nearly to a halt this year, but I'm still going. December isn't over yet. I might have to sneak in a few easy reads to get my book-count up. I've read 24 books this year and I'm about halfway through number 25, which I could finish off if I put in some solid reading time this weekend. I'm also nearly done with a professional development book, which I could also wrap up in a couple of hours if I just focused.

I won NaNoWriMo again this year, which was awesome. My story this year had a definite beginning, middle, and end (last year I didn't quite finish the story by day 30 even though I had hit the 50,000-word mark). Is my book good? Hell no. It's a rough, rough draft. But considering the first book in this series took me about a decade to finish the rough draft, I'm happy with my progress!

Gaming-wise, I got a Nintendo Switch with my first paycheck and I absolutely love the system. The only thing I don't understand is why Nintendo didn't just copy/paste the eShop setup from either the Wii U or the 3DS. I mean, shit, the Wii Shop Channel is better-organized and easier to navigate. It's not like this is Nintendo's first rodeo with online shopping, so what gives? Anyway, a bad eShop interface does not ruin the otherwise outstanding gaming experience from the hybrid system.

I think that's just about it. To wrap things up, since this is December 1st, I'm going to post my XMAS list. Of course, I don't expect to get any of this stuff, but it doesn't hurt to daydream, right?


good weightlifting gloves
a decent frying pan
a second baking sheet
a sweet travel mug (not too tall, though!)
a new pair of slacks (black or gray) for work
new polo shirts, button-downs, and sweaters for work (NO sweater vests)
cool belt buckles (I wear them to work)
new contacts (my monthlies are on month 2 now)
tickets to the new STAR WARS movie
a mani/pedi
laser hair removal surgery
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove (Nintendo Switch)
Shovel Knight amiibo
Super Mario Odyssey amiibo (wedding Mario, Peach, and Bowser)
Gift cards for Steam or Nintendo (so I can download games)
a love interest ;)


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